Upcoming Episodes

Here’s a look at the first season of the Women of an Age: Building a Tribe podcast. Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app!


Ep 1: Loneliness and Social Isolation Among Women of an Age with Louise Hawkley

In this episode, we examine the experience of loneliness and social isolation across the lifespan, with particular focus on the last third of life.  We discuss the affects of loneliness and isolation on the body, mind and community and the implications for self-care, healthcare, community development and resources and social policy.

Ep 2: Caregiving and Managing the Healthcare Maze with Diane Nanno MS, CNS, RN, CCTM, NE-BC

In this episode, we examine the challenges of managing care for ourselves and our loved ones in a healthcare system that can feel fragmented, disorganized, and bewildering. We explore how to have “the conversation” with clinicians, what resources are available at various levels of care, the tools you can use to engage in your own healthcare, and community-based organizations that offer support and resources.

Ep 3: Post-Menopausal Sexual Wellness WITH Pebble Kranz, MD, FECSM, IF

In this episode, we examine the topic of sexual wellness after menopause. We frequently see ads about men’s sexual wellness—ED, low testosterone, even manscaping- but the sexual health of women during and after menopause is rarely addressed. Post-menopausal women are an underserved demographic, and the sexuality and sexual health of older women remains a largely unexamined subject. 

Ep 4: How to do the Couples Thing and Improve Our Relationships WITH Susan Heitler, PhD

This episode explores skills vital to any healthy partnership, whether we are in a long-term marriage, a new relationship, companionship, or are dating and meeting new people. We’ll talk about the behaviors that strengthen relationships and deepen intimacy and those that derail a partnership and make us miserable. If you want to change the patterns that lead to resentment, dissatisfaction and avoidance or if you just want to make a good relationship great, check out this episode of Women of an Age.  

Ep 5: Being Seen and Heard WITH Dr. Joyce A. Joyce

This episode examines what it means to be seen and heard and represented accurately. Throughout history, women have been represented as seen by men and in service to the male ego. We explore how we take back the narrative, dispel stereotypes and represent ourselves in all of our diversity, power, creativity, and brilliance while addressing the effect of age, race and gender on visibility. 

Ep 6: Career Downsizing and “Planning for the ‘What if?”’® WITH DIANA DIBBLE

This episode explores the decision to retire or downsize a career. When and how to retire, change careers, or quit a job to pursue a passion. Working women of today have few models to rely on. How do we work through the anxiety and emotion and manage financial considerations and “plan for the what if.”®


Our goal is to build a tribe and create a platform where women of an age are seen, heard and valued.